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Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising, bright as the sun, beautiful as the moon, terrible as an army set in battle array?  Song of Solomon 6:10

She is the dawn, the coming of a new day, bringing with her the light of the universe. She is bright as the sun and beautiful as the moon.  Terrible as an army, she is the woman who has prepared for this battle for eons. She has the will to succeed and will crush it under her feet.  She will become the commander.

She is across time and from another race, beautiful and intelligent with free will and great powers. Unlike some in her race who perceived humans as below them, she felt only love for the alien creatures. The prince and his followers were outraged to share the universe with such vulgar creatures but what really enraged him was that a woman was chosen to surpass his rank and save humanity. He would not obey or submit to her so he departed his tribe and waged war throughout the heavens. Revolted by her authority and armed with a powerful and numerous force, he set out to destroy any chance of her success.

For millennia he bombarded creation and humanity, especially women, because he knows she, his nemesis, will cover among them, quietly and steadily building her formidable army. 

She was chosen, it is her mission and she will not fail in the cosmic drama. Soon he will be conquered and forced to submit to her for all eternity.