As the daughter of a Czech diplomat, Madeleine Korbel Albright grew up steeped in world affairs so it is not surprising that she embraced politics early in life. Madeleine’s immigrant family escaped twice from their native Czechoslovakia, first to London when the Nazis invaded and then to the US when the Communists took power.

Albright graduated with honors from Wellesley and was awarded a PhD from Columbia. Her political career began when a former professor tapped her as his liaison to Congress. President Bill Clinton catapulted her to diplomatic fame as Ambassador to the United Nations where she earned a reputation as a fierce advocate for America. Later, with her appointment to Secretary of State, Madeleine became the highest-ranking woman in US history. In this role, Dr. Albright reinforced America’s alliances, advocated for democracy and human rights and promoted trade, business, labor, and environmental standards around the world. The plight of women was of particular importance to her and she spent a lifetime chasing remedies to all manner of life's problems - personal, social, political, global.

After she left the halls of power, Dr. Albright’s pace continued. She authored six bestsellers, launched a private investment fund, spearheaded a task force about preventing genocide and established her own institute at Wellesley College. In fact, she navigated a half-dozen professions, tirelessly striving to give voice to everyone everywhere who yearned for dignity and respect.

Dr. Albright was a female leader who broke one glass ceiling after another. For her efforts President Barack Obama awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest award that can be given to a civilian.