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Actress Elizabeth Taylor had beauty, fame, wealth and privilege. Then alcohol, drugs, food addiction, disease and time eroded her beauty, health and spirit. Elizabeth admitted to her addictions and her public battle brought drug treatment out of the darkness and into the light. The super star made her own bed, shared communal meals and attended group counseling.

A lifetime of willfulness, self-indulgence, decadence and hedonism was replaced by humility, grace and service. The actress became a strong voice in the fight against AIDS and demonstrated unwavering compassion and courage at a time when society and government regarded AIDS as a gay disease and did nothing. Appalled by the suffering, cruelty and condemnation, Elizabeth spoke out against hypocrisy and discrimination in favor of compassion and care.

Elizabeth lobbied before Congress to address the AIDS crisis, educated the world and encouraged communities to mobilize against the disease. She joined a small group of physicians and scientists to form the American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) and established her own foundation to provide direct care, along with love and moral support, to the most vulnerable patients.

Elizabeth’s foundation continues to carry her voice and mission in the fight for social justice and human rights for people living with HIV and AIDS to achieve an AIDS-free world.